Intervention by His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, at the ASEAN Leaders' Interface with ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)

Intervention by His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, at the ASEAN Leaders' Interface with ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 1 Jul 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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- Unofficial Translation -

Intervention by

His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.)

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand

at the ASEAN Leaders' Interface with ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)

26 June 2020

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and Representatives of the ASEAN-BAC,

1. In the first half of this year, we confronted an unprecedented crisis for humanity in    the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has severely impacted both the human’s health and safety as well as the global economic well-being. It is therefore necessary for us to seek a good balance between ensuring public health and economic recovery, so that the business sector and industries can continue operations uninterrupted. The supply chains at the national, regional and global levels must also carry on, with ASEAN as a key link and driver.

2. Thailand fully recognises the importance of private sector involvement in responding to COVID-19 situation in a precise, comprehensive and effective manner. This is because you have been directly affected by the pandemic. Therefore, we have to promote sustainable cooperation on the basis of what we call the “3Rs”:

    The first “R” is “Responsiveness”.  This means promptly responding to economic impacts, particularly the logistics of goods distribution as well as for producers and exporters in the supply chain. This should also include regular and interactive discussions, exchanges of information and proactive collaboration between ASEAN counterparts.

    The second “R” is “Recovery”. This refers to strong economic recovery. And it means focusing on maintaining open markets for trade and investment through promoting the full utilisation of existing FTAs, and also further exploring  opportunities to negotiate free trade agreements with countries that hold potential, such as through the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

    The third “R” is "Resilience". This refers to the ability to respond to future public health emergencies. This is to be nurtured through hastening of development of digital economy and e-commerce, as well as benefiting from digital economy for industrial production and trade facilitation.  All of this is aimed at ensuring that the supply and value chains are strong and sustainable.

3. Thailand welcomes the recommendation of the ASEAN-BAC on a regional collaboration mechanism between the public and private sectors. Thailand also supports close coordination between the Special Business Advisory Board and the ASEAN Coordinating Council Working Group on Public Health Emergencies, or “ACCWG-PHE”, under the ASEAN Coordinating Council  -- an ad-hoc mechanism on prevention and to avoid duplication of work.

4. Finally, Thailand stands ready to give full support to the private sector in order to strengthen the ASEAN region’s ability to respond to the crisis.  And then also to retain our status as a regional and an important manufacturing and investment hub, because we are a vital partner in the global economy.

Thank you.