Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in ASEAN-U.S. Ministerial Meeting via videoconference

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in ASEAN-U.S. Ministerial Meeting via videoconference

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 10 Sep 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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On 10 September 2020, H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, participated in ASEAN-United States Ministerial Meeting via videoconference. H.E. Saleumxay Kommasith, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Lao PDR, in his capacity as Country Coordinator for ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations, co-chaired the Meeting with H.E. Michael Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasised that an enabling environment of trust and confidence, as well as enhanced ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership are crucial for the region to cope with geopolitical challenges and threats in all forms, including the adverse impact of COVID-19. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister highlighted some practical areas of cooperation for taking forward ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations, including (1) enhancing human security, in particular public health security, where the U.S. has been a long-standing and active partner of ASEAN; (2) promoting equitable access to COVID-19 medicines and vaccines; (3) harnessing digital connectivity; and (4) re-skilling and up-skilling workforce in preparation for the 4IR.

The Meeting discussed ways forward for ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership, especially in the context of COVID-19. This includes the areas of cooperation such as public health, enhanced private sector role in support of economic recovery, as well as human capital development and education through the establishment of Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academy by the U.S. On public health front, the U.S. reaffirmed its continued support for ASEAN through the ASEAN-U.S. Health Futures initiative as well as the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, once available. In addition, the Meeting also exchanged views on regional and international issues and adopted the Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-U.S. Strategic Partnership for 2021-2025.

The ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations was established in 1967 and later elevated to Strategic Partnership in 2015. ASEAN-U.S. Ministerial Meeting is convened annually during ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and Related Meetings with a view to enhancing cooperation and dynamism of ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations across all three ASEAN Community pillars.

