Thailand to organize a series of side events showcasing Thailand’s role in disaster risk reduction during the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

Thailand to organize a series of side events showcasing Thailand’s role in disaster risk reduction during the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 10 Mar 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 23 Nov 2022

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A series of side events showcasing Thailand’s role in disaster risk reduction will be held during the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3WCDRR) during 14 – 18 March 2015 in the city of Sendai. Seizing the opportunity of this milestone world conference hosted by the Government of Japan and the United Nations, Thailand will organize three side events that will be open to the public, as follows;

1. High-Level Panel Discussion entitled “More (Resilience) for Less (Risk): DRR Matters” will be held on 15 March 2015 at 13.45 – 15.30 hrs., Room B101, Lecture Rooms Building B, Tohoku University, Sendai. Panelists includes high-level representatives from Thailand’s public and academic sectors, representatives from Thailand’s local community, regional disaster organization, as well as the United Nations. The discussion will showcase Thailand’s experiences, best practices and models in building sufficient and disaster risk resilient communities guided by His Majesty the King’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, namely the Ban Nam Khem and Chai Pattana – Thai Red Cross Society Communities in Phang Nga, which recovered from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The event is a part of the Public Forum of the 3WCDRR.

2. “Ten Years on: Remembering the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004-2014” book launch, which will be held prior to the High-Level Panel Discussion. The commemorative book documents the Remembrance Ceremony in Phang Nga on 26-27 December 2014. A CD of a newly composed song, “Hold Me Close”, performed by the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, which made a debut at the Remembrance Ceremony, is also included in the book. An e-book version will also be distributed to the participants at the launching event.

3. An exhibition on Building Resilience in Thailand, which will be held from 14 – 18 March 2015 at Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai.

Further information on the side events, Thailand’s role in disaster risk reduction, as well as downloadable commemorative e-book and the song “Hold Me Close” can be found at

It is expected that the 3WCDRR will adopt a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction which will chart the course on enhancing resilience and reducing disaster risks for the next 15 years. The conference will also contribute to the realization and implementation of the post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).