Joint Press Release of the Foreign Ministries of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Thailand

Joint Press Release of the Foreign Ministries of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Thailand

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 May 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 4 May 2022

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  1. Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand are privileged to host three important leaders’ meetings in the Southeast Asia region this year, namely the ASEAN and Related Summits, on 11-13 November, the G20 Summit on 15-16 November, and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting on 18-19 November 2022.


  1. ASEAN, G20 and APEC processes share commonalities that provide a unique opportunity for all participating countries/economies to jointly advance the collective global and regional agenda and efforts to bring peace, prosperity and sustainable and inclusive development to all our peoples.


  1. To this end, ASEAN, under the banner “ASEAN A.C.T.: Addressing Challenges Together”, commits to address the common challenges we face and to sustain the dynamism of ASEAN Community building with a strong sense of togetherness. We are determined to strengthen ASEAN resilience in the face of global uncertainties and to maintain ASEAN central role in the regional architecture that emphasizes on constructive engagement based on the principle of equal mutual respect and interest. Accelerating our efforts to recover from COVID-19 impacts, promoting ASEAN integration and competitiveness for long-term and inclusive growth in the context of the 4IR, enhance our peoples’ health security and social protection are among our top priorities.


  1. The G20, with its theme of “Recover Together, Recover Stronger”, aims to facilitate a strong and inclusive recovery for all. The Indonesian Presidency is committed to ensure the G20 is relevant not only for its members but also for the world at large, particularly developing countries. Three priority areas have been identified, namely, strengthening global health architecture, digital transformation, and energy transitions, so that the G20 can serve as a catalyst for a strong and inclusive global recovery.


  1. As for APEC, a unique forum of economies, rather than states, in the Asia Pacific, work continues on how to accelerate regional economic integration to achieve shared prosperity. The 2022 APEC theme of “Open. Connect. Balance.” reflects the common goal and commitment of member economies to address the enormous challenges arising from the pandemic and conflicts whose adverse ramifications are being felt worldwide. It aims at advancing the vision for an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community. As host economy, Thailand calls for a refreshed conversation on the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific, advocates safe and seamless return to travel and emphasizes inclusivity and sustainability, through the application of bio-circular-green economic model, as pivotal elements helping the region and the world to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. As Chairs of these important meetings this year, we are determined to work with all our partners and stakeholders to ensure a spirit of cooperation, as we in Southeast Asia continue to strengthen ASEAN centrality, credibility and relevance in maintaining peace and stability in our regional and global endeavours.

