Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Hellenic Republic Hosted the 35th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee in Athens

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Hellenic Republic Hosted the 35th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee in Athens

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Dec 2024

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On 23 December 2024, H.E. Mr. Sathana Kashemsanta Na Ayudhya, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Hellenic Republic and current Chairperson of the ASEAN Committee in Athens (ACAT) hosted the 35th Meeting of the ACAT at the Thai residence. The Meeting, attended by the Ambassadors of Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet Nam, exchanged information and views on the promotion of ASEAN-Greece cooperation in areas of mutual interests as well as the work plan of the ACAT in 2025. Upon the conclusion of the meeting, the Ambassador of Thailand as the outgoing ACAT Chair turned over the Chairmanship to the Ambassador of Viet Nam, who will assume the Chairmanship of ACAT during January – June 2025.  

The Meeting was followed by a working lunch, which were also attended by Mr. Ju-seong Lim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Qiu Fang, Ambassador of the PRC, and Ms. Anna Tsolakoglou, a representative from the B5 Directorate for Bilateral Economic Relations with Middle East, North Africa, the Gulf, Asia, Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic, as special guests of honour.

